Hi, I'm Rishabh Parihar.

A Network Engineer who is self-driven and eager to explore the potential of network automation to enhance network performance and efficiency.


As a Network Engineer with a passion for automating complex workflows, I specialize in creating solutions that enhance the stability and usability of products. With a focus on network automation, I am dedicated to designing and implementing systems that optimize performance and improve efficiency. By leveraging my skills and expertise, I am able to deliver top-quality results that exceed expectations and drive success for my clients.

  • Languages: Python, Ansible, Html, Rest-API, Selenium
  • Networking: SDWAN, SASE, NFV, VPN, TCP, TLS, DNS, Linux Networking, IPTables
  • Firewall Vendors: CheckPoint,Palo Alto, Juniper MX/SSG, Fortigate, Cisco ASA, Linux
  • Libraries: Netmiko, Pandas, Nornir, IPAddress, Threaded, JC, Asyncio
  • Frameworks: Flask, PyWebIO
  • Tools & Technologies: Git, Heroku, JIRA, Confluence, PostMan


Sr Lead, New Services Introduction
  • Responsibile to ensure new Products/Offerings are ready for Customer consumption
  • Responsible to add workflow automation to simplify process and reduce efforts required by end engineer
  • Drive discussion with Engineering Team on new tools/features/enhancements
  • Reduce time spent in bulk jobs by automating steps using Python
  • Tools: Python, Selenium, PostMan
Nov 2021 - Till Date | Bengaluru, India
Lead Network Consulting Engineer
  • Responsible for providing architectural direction, technical solutions, drive industry best practices and managing relationships with Aryaka strategic customers.
  • Responsible to work with Stakeholders in designing LLD and HLD Documents
  • Primary point of contact for the dedicated accounts for all technical issues
  • Responsible for designing design documents, delivering migration plans, with a thorough understanding of networked applications and related dependencies
Jan 2016 - Oct 2021 | Bengaluru, India
Juniper TAC
  • Responsible for configuring, troubleshooting and managing Juniper SSG Firewalls
  • Worked as Juniper TAC(Level 1) and providing technical support and resolving day-to-day network issues faced by customers across the world
July 2014 - Dec 2015 | Pune, India


music streaming app
CheckPoint Bootstrap Generator

Flask WebApp for Day0 config

  • Tools: Flask, Jinja2, Python, Bootstrap, PythonAnywhere
  • Generates VNF Firewall Day0 config
  • Generates .iso config file for config during bootup process.
  • Minimizes user input
  • Validations added to prevent Typos/Duplicate IP/Network errors/
sase app
SASE ToolKit

A Python based SASE Platform Testing App

  • Tools: PyWebIO, Flask, Python, PyTest
  • Tool will initiate traffic mimicking web browser and generate PyTest Report Dashboard
  • URL Filtering Test: Checks if response is 200OK with no redirects to Captive Portal
  • SSL Filtering Test: Checks if response is 200OK and server Cert matching with the SASE Platform Generated
  • Anti Malware Test: Checks if Eicar/Wicar Test Malware files get downloaded from web browser
  • Public IP Test: Checks if traffic is routed from known owned Provider Block(using curl ifconfig.me/ip)
Screenshot of web app
Blog Web-App

A simple and extensible blog web-app based on Flask.

  • Tools: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Flask, SQLAlchemy, Postgresql, Python
  • Users can view posts and contact the admin via Contact Page.
  • Admin can Add, Delete, Update posts.
Screenshot of  web app
Visual Question Answering

An attention-based classification model that aims at generating an answer for a given input image.

  • Incorporated Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) for extracting image features and Long Short Term Memory for extracting question embeddings.
  • Tested the model on the COCO dataset, abstract scenes images, and got 69% overall accuracy on the VQA evaluation metric.
Screenshot of  web app
Video Summarizer

A Seq2Seq model that generates a short summary of the given input video.

  • Incorporated CNN to detect and classify objects in the video frames and Long Short Term Memory for generating a summary.
  • Evaluated the model on MSVD (Microsoft Video Description Corpus) dataset; achieved 0.77, 0.71, 0.52 scores respectively on ROGUE, BLEU, METEOR evaluation metrics.
Screenshot of  web app
Image Generator

An image generator based on the concept of adversarial networks (GANs)

  • Developed system was tested on a human-face database and loss was calculated by comparing the PCAs of generated and original image.
  • Calculated difference in PCA was less than 10%, depicting the successful generation of an image by the generator.
Screenshot of  web app
Head Counting System

A system that calculates the attendance of the class from a panoramic image of a live classroom.

  • Used Singular Value Decomposition for image compression; applied various image processing techniques and morphological operations to detect the number of heads.






Firewall Vendors

Palo Alto
Cisco ASA




Uttar Pradesh University

Kanpur, UP

Degree: Bachelor in Electronics and Communication
Percent: 72

Sacred Heart Convent School

Mathura, UP

Board: ICSE
Percent: 85
